March 23, 2022

Wedding Design Workshop with Sinclair and Moore

We believe in continuous education to give the best experience possible to our couples. To always be trend setters and develop processes that will help us be even better wedding planners and further our abilities in wedding design. That was my goal in attending the Sinclair and Moore Workshop in Seattle just about 1 year ago, last April. It was an impromptu decision (I booked it only 3 weeks before!) but something I had been dreaming, scheming and dying to do for a bit.  We knew our wedding design process could be even better and we wanted to seek out and learn from an amazing planner, Steve Moore. 

The workshop was designed over three days and was packed full with experiences and education. Looking back, I don’t know if it was exactly what I had envisoned before leaving but I really believe each experience in life is what you make it and I was able to take away a lot in those three days. I reflected on All Buttoned Up and the years I had spent building this business I love so much and I was given a renewed passion to grow, change, and be even more exceptional as a team. 

Day 1 for arrival we were greeted with a lovely goody bag with items from amazing vendors, including our soap from our fellow Michigander, Rhiannon Bosse Soap! The new studio space was also filled with amazing flowers that we would experience in the days to come.

While floral design is not something I ever plan to incorporate into our business, education on floral and the process for centerpieces, bouquets and boutonnieres is essential to us partnering with florists and building designs.

That first day we met Ryan Ray the amazing photographer for the weekend, the video team and the support team helping Steve with the workshop. After meeting the team, we shared more about ourselves and what we hoped to take away from the workshop. We then launched into our education workshop and introduction into Steve’s processes the topic The Elements of Design. After this we ate some amazing lunch and then went into our first floral centerpiece design session which Steve first showed us and then we tried our own. I was VERY intimidated but extremely happy with the end product. It was a playful design and showed off trends in the industry, the low white matte bowl and a simple floral recipe of only 3-4 different flowers. The tiny orange fruit contrasted the neutral floral and it was really fun to play with the movement of the piece. Overall probably my favorite component of the weekend!

Another favorite component was getting to know other creatives in attendance and sharing business ideas, struggles and just relating on so many levels. 1 year into the pandemic, we had a lot of stories to share but also it was inspiring and was helping to renew our passion for something we all love. Everyone was a bit shy at first but I really feel like over those three days, we were able to open up and really get to know each other. I am still cheering for all of them and wish them all the success this industry has to offer! 
The day ended with an intimate pizza party and round table Q & A. All food was from the amazing Deru Market, all of it was exceptional.

Day 2 We started the day being introduced to sourcing and business strategy which I really appreciated. I had a lot of take away notes and was able to relate a lot of the items back to ABU. It was interesting to hear another format and while a lot of it was applicable, what I appreciated the most was the time for me to think about the direction of All Buttoned Up and start planning some big changes for my return. 

After this session we were introduced to the big editorials happening on Day 3. They would highlight two very different designs and we were split into two groups to execute them. A lush uber romantic design with a rich rose and neutral color palette that was femine and light to an elevated, fresh country editorial. The second option spoke to my ascetic a bit more so I went in that direction and we wrapped up the day creating all the centerpieces for the tablescapes and then headed out the door. I was exhausted and overwhelmed with ideas and information, but definitely feeling ready to tackle day 3. 

Day 3 was a cold and rainy Seattle day but we warmed up by creating bouquets for the models that were on site and getting ready with hair and makeup.

We did have some downtime this day as we went into two waves, the romantic shoot first and then ours. While the other team worked on their shoot, we networked and recapped the information from the last two days.

The shoot took place at the Marymoor Park at the Clise Mansion and grounds. Once our turn it was a lot of hustling, steaming, tweaking and then finally perfection. It was interesting to see how other planners and wedding designers worked and the process I felt like I knew so well, be executed in a different format.

As we moved through the setup of this editorial I had a lot of take aways and respect for the wedding design process that Steve and Sinclair and Moore are able to execute. 

This journey was just about business growth as personal in a time I really needed it. It lifts up the soul to dream a little bigger and to look outside of what you know and that is what this workshop was for me. 



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